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 Overview of ArchExpress Menu

 Select the play button above to start the video.

This custom DCL menu allow users to access over 1,750 symbols and  drawings in the following category:

  • Curtain Walls and Mullions
  • Doors
  • Door Frame Details
  • Drawing Reference
  • Furniture
  • Light Fixtures
  • Metal Studs
  • OWSJ Sections
  • Plumbing Fixtures
  • Steel Sections
  • Store Front Symbols


This menu also contains over 50 utility programs to expedite the process of creating contract documents in the following areas:

  • Area Calculation
  • Door Schedule Creation
  • Room Finish Schedule
  • Parking Stall Layout and Parking Count
  • Stair Profile Generation

For a company with ten CAD Operators, saving in labor by utilizing this custom menu
is about
